Creative Research Journal for West Java Development
West Java Government has launched the CR-Journal (Creative Research) on March, 2016. As
the first publication, we would like to thank to BP3IPTEK as the publisher of this
journal and also to reviewers that have corrected the article for three times on
the process of writing. We hope this article can give some informations to
decision maker of West Java Province and also useful for others who want to
read and study in the field of this research. The abstract of the article is
attached here.
(dimetilbenzene) is a derivative of benzene with molecul formula C6H4(CH3)2
and grouped to aromatic organic compound with high toxicity. Xylene is widely
used as a paint solvent, often inhaled by workers which can cause health
problems both acute and chronic. Methyl Hippuric Acid (MHA) is a result of xylene
processing by human body, then excreted in urine after passing through several
processes. On observation of workshop workers with questionnaire was found that
there were some exposure data at every time they worked: 0.042 to 4.447 ppm. By
reference to the regulation of Labor and Transmigration Minister No.13/2011, the
concentration of xylene found not exceed the threshold limit value 100 ppm. The
TLV is 100 ppm. The results showed a relationship between xylene and MHA was a
fairly strong with the value of r (correlation) 0.813. Concluded, greater
concentration of xylene would increase MHA concentration so the workshop’s
workers could be expressed as exposed to xylene. The workers have to use masks
to prevent theirselves from another toxic chemicals in paints. The results could
be used by West Java and Bandung City Government to release regulation to
prevent informal workers in car workshop and people from xylene risk.
: Xylene, MHA, paint, correlation, exposure
Xylene atau dimetilbenzene adalah turunan benzene dengan rumus
molekul C6H4(CH3)2
dan termasuk senyawa
aromatik yang tinggi tingkat racunnya. Xylene banyak digunakan sebagai pelarut
cat sehingga sering terhirup oleh pekerja bengkel yang dapat menimbulkan
gangguan kesehatan akut dan kronis. Methyl hippuric acid (MHA) adalah hasil
pengolahan xylene oleh tubuh yang dikeluarkan bersama urin. Observasi pada
pekerja bengkel dengan kuesioner dan pengambilan sampel udara diperoleh data
bahwa paparan xylene pada pekerja setiap kali mereka bekerja antara 0,042 dan 4,447
ppm. Mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi No.13/2011, konsentrasi
xylene yang ditemukan pada pekerja tidak melebihi nilai ambang batas (NAB) 100
ppm. NAB yang diperkenankan 100 ppm. Namun demikian, hasil penelitian
menunjukkan hubungan yang cukup kuat antara xylene dan MHA dengan nilai r
(korelasi) = 0,813. Disimpulkan, makin besar konsentrasi xylene makin besar
pula konsentrasi MHA sehingga pekerja bengkel dapat dinyatakan terpapar xylene.
Pekerja harus mengenakan masker untuk pencegahan dalam jangka panjang karena
selain xylene, cat juga mengandung zat kimia berbahaya lainnya. Hasil penelitian
ini bisa digunakan oleh pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat dan Kota Bandung untuk
mengeluarkan peraturan yang melindungi pekerja bengkel pengecatan dan
masyarakat di sekitarnya dari risiko xylene.
kunci: Xylene, MHA, cat, korelasi, paparan
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